Men FTW!
He was male.
She called me from school today and said it was the best anti-social invention since the bedroom.
Looking from him, and his great performance, to the concern on the faces of everyone around us, I laughed so hard tears were streaming down my cheeks. If a social science class mislabeled something according to your faith, would you correct the teacher/t. a./professor aloud during class, or voice your objections quietly during the break?
I knew this was something I had to do, but the internal fighting began to wear down my upbeat attitude which changed to a negative, depressed personality. This was the second most difficult time in my life. This time in my life is where I created two of my greatest friendships, which had a profound affect on my life. Thus bringing me to the third most difficult experience of my life. I just took a load of pain killers and lay in my bed all night in agony. God the Holy Spirit is in you. And the streets filled with water.
Because swirling around in that water, besides the occasional broken bottle, the trash, the oil, anti-freeze, and other car muck, is shit. I am not very squeamish, but putting my foot up to the ankle in the murky waters of a Mexican street makes me shudder.
And before I could get past the main square, the sprinkles turned to a downpour.
I'm really in the best situation of my life- with a man that I adore and who both completes and compliments me.
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