Sexy Famous Men Oooooh

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Next Time

Heard them honking at each other, saying hello. Feel free to hit that little X up there. Surveys - A couple fun little survey things that I took. I wrote about a couple days ago, right? Right now, yes.

I stopped caring about a few things and I have no work ethic anymore. Sometimes my mind will wander and come up with things that are beyond grasp and can alter my reality, but I honestly mean well.

I have handcuff's you can spend all day by my side while I walk around telling people about my new closet slave, I predict about 10 'what the hell' glares and three 'Get the fuck away from me's but people can surprise you right? Around 8:15 tonight, I found out that a Phi Tau had died of alcohol poisoning.

I just wish that things were back to how they were, with Bill here everyday, and none of my friends had graduated and moved far away, and they're all still here to talk to and hang out with. Crazy Skinny person... and jeez sannie, everyone has they bad days ya know?


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